Dec 12, 2020 11:25:04 GMT -6
Dec 12, 2020 11:01:25 GMT -6
December 2020
Post by iwannagotomars on Dec 12, 2020 11:09:20 GMT -6
Any idea when the PC backer hard copy is shipping or did they plan to screw us? Wait until all DLC is released was the last answer I received a while back. Not going to do all sorts of research since I've wasted too much time in the past, trying to get a definitive answer but thus far, this company sucks at giving a human like answer. Can anyone shed some light on this on the boards since this company seems to give the same old Bullshit canned answer. "when all dlc is released". Has anyone heard anything different in the last year or so since I rarely check in, I could have missed something about the release update. Thx in advance